You Stress Scale is Between 200 and 299

You will have to watch out!

You are potentially quite stressed and several things have been on you mind in the past year. Therefore you have a moderate chance of illness caused by stress. You will probably have to work hard to get it under control...

Your Stress Test Score is between 200 and 299

You Scored Between 200 and 299

... But don't be frightened. You have taken the first step. You are on your way to a less stressful life. is dedicated to provide you with the best help and support possible!

The test tells only if you have experienced events that can cause stress to build. Whether you in fact are stressed or not, is another story.

With this score you have a chance of fighting off what stress you have if you put some effort into it! Read more about reducing and relieving stress.

Remember, the test is just an approximation. Stress is an individual thing and affects us all differently!

You have experienced a several things that can knock you off course; watch out for

the signs of stress.